Sunday, 23 February 2014

Greed for love

To all those claiming to be selfless true people out there. Greed is an inevitable part of human nature. No matter how hard we try to give. The expectation to recieve something no matter how small in return lingers on. I am the same. I do good deeds. I help others. I make them smile. I care for them. But this all i do with the greed of love. With the greed of affection. Thats how i am. My every single deed is tainted with the expectation of being loved, cared for on the same level as i do. Deep down it hurts me. Yet i dont stop myself from indulging in this vicious cycle .. pathetic as it may seem. I will rebel against this part of my human side. One day i will make you smile without any expectation . And on that day i will overcome my greed for love and will stand victorious.

Friday, 14 February 2014

from hapi mari manga

If you went for outer appearances i looked much better and cuter than her. But than there she was standing in the aisle radiating with happiness and spirituality.when i looked at her somehow i felt so worthless... and empty.

Friday, 7 February 2014

you think you are good?

I think I failed to better myself as a good person. I gossip alot. I talk behind people' s back. I call *them* a bitch when they say anything about me . And than i consider myself to be the most pitied misunderstood humble human being on planet earth. Wow

think about it

It's high time we all understand that every human came in this world with a destiny. A destiny to carry, to bear his own burdens, his own scars. It is fate . We all have to face it. Some are brave enough to hide their sorrow behind a smile while some wail and cry but nevertheless they too  bear the wounds.the point is we are all the same. Blessed and cursed at the same time. Its sheer stupidity to take pity on others, to judge them , to talk about them when you too are not at all better than them.
I must say i think alot which makes me sensitive to almost everyone and everything . And i need to jot down these stupid thoughts otherwise i go crazy. So had this idea why not share them with the world no matter how stupid they are. Result: made a blog