Thursday, 10 July 2014

For the sake of love

Ironic as it may be  but every single person no matter how humble he seems is a sinner. We all know that but we all, also forget to include ourselves in that group when perhaps we are the ones to be most accounted for. Another amazing fact about us, humans, is that we all, sinned for the sake of love. I know that people can lie for love . I know that we have back stabbed and hurt the very person whose love we wanted most at some point of our lives. We are more like animals. Its the basic instinct i should talk about.That aside the point being humans, we want to feel needed.wants to be patted on the head. To be told *good job* *well done * you worked hard* at the end of the day.  wants someone to smile only for us. To tell us *its going to be alright.We want LOVE . Yearning to be loved by someone, by anyone , just to be understood, to be praised, to be loved , that sort of kindness , that love is what we are looking for . When we fail to find any - loneliness. It takes over.turns into misery. And than comes the jealousy and frustration and all those complexes that we were so desperately trying to overcome. and last but not least of all at this point the pain becomes too unbearable to bear, result we lose it, our very soul, we lose it all and become a sinner. Just like that.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Its All Okay!

Its ok if you walked on the wrong path, its ok if you were shameless in your life, its ok if you betrayed your loved ones. Its all ok if you realize what you did. All that matters is the thought that you cared enough to repent your doings. All that matters is that you are ready to be honest again. All that matters is that you are ready to give all it takes to make up to those you hurt, to make up to those you love.