Saturday, 8 March 2025


 "A woman: a complex and often misunderstood being. A woman in love: an even more perplexing enigma. A single, fleeting nod of appreciation from her beloved can send her soaring, her spirit buoyed on wings of joy, as if she were weightless, traversing the very heavens.

 Conversely, a mere shake of the head, a subtle expression of disappointment, can plunge her into the depths of despair, a dark well of self-loathing where she questions her very worth. 

Why does she exist in this state of perpetual emotional flux? Why does the societal construct of love demand such relentless self-sacrifice from her?

 She is expected to be a constant source of giving, a wellspring of selfless devotion, perpetually draining herself to meet the expectations placed upon her. One misstep, one perceived deviation from this impossible standard, and she is branded a failure, her efforts rendered insignificant.

 Why does our society create such an oppressive, suffocating environment for a mother, a sister, a wife, and, above all, a woman? Her tireless efforts, her unwavering dedication, often go unacknowledged, unappreciated. She is reduced to a mere vessel, a functionary whose sole purpose is to give, endlessly and without recompense.    

Friday, 7 March 2025

Maybe little is enough .

 A whimsical thought, adrift:

Perchance, the very source of my frustration, the elusive sensation of not attaining that coveted plateau of iman, lies in my fervent, yet scattered, pursuit. I yearn for all virtues, all at once, attempting to grasp the entirety of goodness in a single, breathless endeavor. This zealous rush, however, leaves me depleted, a barren field where no single seed of virtue takes root.

Might the true path be a gentler, more measured ascent? To be, perhaps, a shade more virtuous than the day prior, to extend a fraction more kindness, to offer a sliver more generosity. For even the most delicate ripple, born of the smallest intention, possesses the potential to swell, to burgeon into a mighty wave, capable of shifting the very tides of our being. Perhaps, this is indeed the way...

Saturday, 23 April 2016

About meh

People are always mistaking me for some kind of genius who can do many things at a time,(and before marking me one,  you should consult my mom, she will be very happy to negate this false idea) i have to clarify there are no geniuses in this world. We all are evaluated  and rewarded according to our hardwork and GOOD WILL.  That is my belief,  my motto is to live for others. Remember  we are only humans, we make mistakes, forgiving and forgetting do the trick for a happy life.  A villain can be a victim in his past and vice versa. Life is nothing but the interesting amalgam of yin and yang. So despite all the darkness dueling inside of you,  look at the brighter side.  Try to find the good in every person you meet.  And try to remember the good in every person.  Thats the way you can live your life to the max.

Reminder!  miracles happen to those who have faith!  Trust me on that!  So despite all the hidden regrets,  fears and demons inside of you,  be thankful because you can still smile,  and you can still enjoy every small bliss that this life has bestowed  upon you. Afterall  we get only one life and its pretty small to hold grudges and darkness.  So keep loving your family,  friends and the entire humanity!

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

A letter for People of the Earth

Heya peeps, nerds, geeks, the cool ones, muslims, christians, hindus, Buddhists, atheists and all the other beautiful humans,

How are you my friends? Life's been a perfect magic for you so far or its doing what it usually do to you too? Anyways, So yeah, I was going through this regular site I totally love and there I found this post where let's say you all were having some very sound argument about who exactly is a terrorist. the ball was obviously falling as you might have guessed in the Muslim's court. and lets just say we all were desperately trying to prove you all totally wrong. and it kind of broke my heart to see you all sending *Koran's* verses stating how we really are terrorists. we being weak muslims who just read The Quran and kept it all locked up in a holy place rather than trying to understand what it says were baffled and couldn't retort back. yes I am a very weak muslim and I know you all have been hurt because some imposters in the name of Islam are slaughtering humanity like there is no tomorrow. and I being an idiot who didnt know how to retort atleast knows one thing that WE, MUSLIMS are not killing machines nor a terrorist. yes there are many bad** people amongst us who should be kicked between the shins and then get locked up for the rest of their lives but they are not us. surely there are bad** ones amongst you as well! so just dont go and judge us for what they did because we are not judging you either. i mean i am not judging you guys even though some people amongst you bullied a girl in your grade school like hell just because she was black or lets just say a muslim. I am not judging you at all although some of you have tortured many muslims just because they are muslims and probably a waste of space in your eyes. I dont judge you guys when some of you disrupt the mosques sanctity.  you might be thinking what a lamo. Our people are being killed here and look at this loser rambling around such nonesense. but hey,trust me Muslims all over the world are beimg killed in cold blood. Gaza, Syria, Pakistan , Kashmir, Iraq, Palestine and  I can go on and on. If you dont believe you can search for that really, and before you shove all those Holy Quran 's verses in our face let me tell you one thing, Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said that killing of one innocent man is like killing of the whole humanity. he never used the word muslims. he said *man* so please ponder upon this. the verses you state I do not know are valid or not but I do know one thing If they are than they must have a background behind it. Quran is like a river of knowledge that has to be deciphered and understood properly. All I want from you all is not to judge Islam and muslims. but to help us fight the terrorism. dont play the blame game. it wont do this world any good. rather you will turn this world into this hateful place that is carcinogenic for your spirit.  Before calling us terrorists, please just google 16th december 2014 Peshawar attack Pakistan, Kashmir problem, Palestine and syria, and all other countries that my memory is evading. and than after reading all that do use just a pinch of common sense. it will become clear to you that our children our parents our beloveds are tortured and killed, surely terrorists are supposed to murder, they dont get** murdered. this is one cold war that we all are facing so lets stand here together. lets not blister each other with more poisonous chat. we have to realize who exactly is our enemy. so my friends keep smiling. dont lose hope in us and in yourselves too!
#prayforParis #prayforSyria #prayforPakistan #prayforKashmir #prayforIraq #prayforGaza #prayforPalestine #PRAYFORTHEWORLD #prayForHUMANITY

yours truely,
A very sad and heart broken muslim

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Selfless love- mommy's love of course !

If I ask you to give me one example of selfless love in this scary world of monsters called humans, than it will be none other than the love of mother. (You must be nodding right now in affirmation of my statement, right?) Now time to ask a question, if this love is selfless,than are we all supposed to accept it without ever acknowledging it? Without ever showing that we love our mom NOTE: showing through actions, not through posting pictures with our moms for everyone to see except them. (mine ain't on Instagram , pretty sure many people's mums won't be either) I am not against the pretty picture and status uploads . you all should do it! After all this world has the right to know that you love your mother but what I want to say is show this to your mother, she ought to know THAT YOU LOVE HER  . and dont chain yourself to one day for showing your love, you have to exhibit it every month, every week, every day, every hour and every second! Because your mom never restricted her love for you. honestly, how many times have you heard your mom saying "I will cook dinner for you only once a year. Or I will hug you once a year and so on" she is on duty 24/7! So we can also appreciate her a little more, by helping her in household chores, cleaning our rooms on time, being a little less demanding and giving her a light kiss on forehead before sleeping. Telling her about how much we love her and we can't survive this world without her.
So three cheers to all the awesome moms who bore all the pain with a smile to give birth to us,  who stayed up all night to craddle us, who changed our smelly diapers without turning away in disgust, who taught us to talk and walk, who listened to our every whim patiently, cried with us, smiled with us and are proud of us no matter how broken we are, she is one person who never lose hope in us, she believes in our power to stand again. So here I go: I LOVE YOU AMMI !!!!!!!! Going to hug her and probably will try to annoy her less this year. Y'all too! Go and give her this one mighty hug and let her know!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Eternal Happiness

Not here to preach in some philosophical manner. Just want to clear this stupid misunderstandings that we all develop while being in any relationship making it friendship or love.  The single moronic moment when you start  thinking about what you are going to get in return to your sincere and oh-so-awesome friendship is the POINT where you lose it all. I used to believe that relationships should be based on give and take theory. If you give you have to get. But what I forgot was that relationship is not so damned bargain in a grocery shop. For screaming out loud , its a relationship. It does NOT work on give and take . it works on FORGIVE AND FORGET. Dont focus on what that person is doing for you because they will NEVER meet your expectations. Talking from my own experience I have been hurt billion of times because of this but than I realized If I can't love someone without expecting something in return than I am none better than a greedy pig blekh. Just be sincere because its in your nature to be sincere! Do it for your own self not for the other person! Let me explain what I mean by the title eternal happiness. First thing you ought to know is it depends on you. STOP focusing on how others treat you and start focusing on HOW YOU TREAT others. And for Merlin's damned crappy sake, STOP considering yourself to be this mistreated puppy who was abused by his owners or something. In this manner you will never mature and never grow up let alone achieving anything in life. Trust me considering yourself wronged makes a LOSER out of you. Forgive everyone for YOUR OWN sake, Knowing the fact that a hurt soul can never prosper . it deteriorates turning you into this really dark person who no one approaches. So the recipe to attain eternal happiness is to mix a little bit of bitter patience with some sugary smiles, taking out your sour hurt feelings and showing them to the one who hurt you. Explaining it all. Letting go of this awful disgusting attitude WHY SHOULD I ALWAYS TAKE THE FIRST STEP, (trust me it spoils everything, it spoils you as a person) and yes burry that pungent pride of yours six feet deep into the ground in a cute treasure chest. Take a deep breath and let it go ( Elsa style of course) . explain this to yourself that you are doing this for your own self not for any other person. You are doing good to your soul by acknowledging your mistakes first and making room to work on them. Not giving yourself enough space to grow and thinking that I am like this. Its my nature will make you rigid and you will stop growing spiritually result : you will turn into this self pitying spoiled brat. Anyways I started drifting from my matter of discussion. Coming back to topic, acquiring happiness and Felicity is not that difficult.
Step1 realize and acknowledge your faults
Step2 work on changing yourself for the better
Step 3 always confront others whether they hurt you or you hurt them BUT in a amicable environment with a friendly argument not that oh I am coming with a migrail and will kill you with my laser gun attitude
Step 4 MOST IMPORTANT ! DONT EVER PONDER on these stupid things
# why am I the one taking the first step
# Its all her / his fault why should I say sorry
# everyone thinks I am in wrong. No one says anything to him/ her. 
If you take first step you are a much much MUCH better human than the other. You have NO right to point other people faults if you know you had your share of faults as well. First work on improving yourself. When you have, than go for it. 
And its not your concerns what others say to him/ her ! If someone is pointing out your mistakes than that person is sincere to youuuuuu. That person is your friend. GO HUG HIM/HER. You are lucky. In the end , it all comes down to the way you think, the early you straighten your twisted self the better. Sigh .. 

Sunday, 19 April 2015


Lost, adrift, off track , probably standing in the middle of nowhere. no plans, no future, no thrill, no life. Atleast thats what I felt a while ago. probably still feels the same. Its like life doesnt have a meaning or lets say it has a meaning but its inapprehensible as far as it concerns me. I can visualize all those stars sparkling vividly in the pitch black sky . I can whiff those roses blossoming in the most alluring manner in the spring Fields. I can feel the flurry of breeze crashing against my dry skin.  I can hear those birds chirping harmoniously somewhere in the midst of those high trunks. Yet, I fail to visualize life, I fail to whiff life, I fail to feel life, I fail to hear Life. It is somewhere out there but not within my reach, Thinking out loud, life probably means a fight for a purpose. I observe humans , animals, insects all of them busy in a struggle called life. some are determined to gain a rank. some desire freedom other merily want to survive. nevertheless the universal grapple, the wrestle and this unending spar goes on. while I, being who I am, just sits there quietly.  paralysed , dumbfounded , boggled, debilitated . not knowing how to get up and face the world.