Saturday, 8 March 2025


 "A woman: a complex and often misunderstood being. A woman in love: an even more perplexing enigma. A single, fleeting nod of appreciation from her beloved can send her soaring, her spirit buoyed on wings of joy, as if she were weightless, traversing the very heavens.

 Conversely, a mere shake of the head, a subtle expression of disappointment, can plunge her into the depths of despair, a dark well of self-loathing where she questions her very worth. 

Why does she exist in this state of perpetual emotional flux? Why does the societal construct of love demand such relentless self-sacrifice from her?

 She is expected to be a constant source of giving, a wellspring of selfless devotion, perpetually draining herself to meet the expectations placed upon her. One misstep, one perceived deviation from this impossible standard, and she is branded a failure, her efforts rendered insignificant.

 Why does our society create such an oppressive, suffocating environment for a mother, a sister, a wife, and, above all, a woman? Her tireless efforts, her unwavering dedication, often go unacknowledged, unappreciated. She is reduced to a mere vessel, a functionary whose sole purpose is to give, endlessly and without recompense.    

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